Sushi Palate Sushi Recipes: Your Guide to Homemade Sushi

🥒🥑 Cucumber and Avocado Sushi Roll Recipe

Learn how to make a delicious cucumber and avocado sushi roll with this easy recipe from Sushi Palate. Perfect for sushi lovers and beginners alike!

Cucumber and Avocado Sushi Roll

You will need:

  • sushi riceSushi rice
  • nori seaweed sheetsNori (seaweed sheets)
  • cucumberCucumber
  • avocadoAvocado
  • sushi matSushi mat
  • soy sauceSoy sauce
  • pickled gingerPickled ginger
  • wasabiWasabi


  1. First, prepare the sushi rice according to the package instructions. Make sure the rice is sticky and cooled down before using.
  2. While the rice is cooling, slice the cucumber and avocado into thin, long strips. These will be the filling for your sushi roll.
  3. Next, place a sheet of nori onto the sushi mat. The shiny side should be facing down.
  4. Spread a thin layer of sushi rice onto the nori, leaving a small space at the top. This is to ensure that the roll can be sealed properly.
  5. Now, place the cucumber and avocado strips onto the rice. Don't overfill the roll, or it may be difficult to roll.
  6. Using the sushi mat, roll the sushi tightly. Make sure to apply even pressure while rolling to ensure the roll is uniform.
  7. Using a sharp knife, slice the roll into bite-sized pieces. Wetting the knife before each cut can help prevent the rice from sticking.
  8. Finally, serve your sushi roll with soy sauce, pickled ginger, and wasabi. Enjoy your homemade, allergy-friendly sushi!


Ensure to use a sharp knife when cutting the sushi roll to maintain its shape. Also, if you're not a fan of wasabi or ginger, feel free to omit these from the recipe.

Are you craving a delicious sushi roll but don't know where to start? Look no further! Sushi Palate is here to guide you through the process of making a mouthwatering Cucumber and Avocado Sushi Roll. This simple recipe is perfect for beginners and sushi enthusiasts alike.

To create this delectable sushi roll, you will need a few key ingredients. First, gather sushi rice, nori (seaweed sheets), cucumber, avocado, a sushi mat, soy sauce, pickled ginger, and wasabi. These ingredients can be easily found at your local grocery store or Asian market.

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step instructions. Begin by preparing the sushi rice according to the package instructions. While the rice is cooking, slice the cucumber and avocado into thin strips. Once the rice is ready, place a sheet of nori onto the sushi mat. Spread a thin layer of sushi rice onto the nori, leaving a small space at the top.

Next, arrange the cucumber and avocado strips onto the rice. This will add a refreshing crunch and creamy texture to your sushi roll. Once the ingredients are in place, it's time to roll! Use the sushi mat to tightly roll the sushi, ensuring that all the ingredients are securely wrapped inside.

Once the roll is complete, it's time to slice it into bite-sized pieces. Remember to use a sharp knife to maintain the shape of the sushi roll. Now, it's time to enjoy your creation! Serve the Cucumber and Avocado Sushi Roll with soy sauce, pickled ginger, and wasabi for an extra burst of flavor.

If you're not a fan of wasabi or ginger, feel free to omit these from the recipe. Sushi is all about personal preference, so don't be afraid to experiment and make it your own. Whether you're hosting a sushi night with friends or simply treating yourself to a homemade meal, this Cucumber and Avocado Sushi Roll is sure to impress.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to embark on a sushi-making adventure. With Sushi Palate as your guide, you'll become a sushi connoisseur in no time. Happy rolling!